Overseas Pakistanis Foundation (OPF) is established under the Emigration Ordinance, 1979 as Not for
Profit Company under the Companies Act, 1913 (now Companies Act, 2017, Section-42) working under
Ministry of Overseas Pakistanis & HRD, Government of Pakistan. OPF intends to sale 8 residential plots of
various sizes in OPF Housing Scheme Phase-I & Phase-I (Extension) & 02 Farm House Plots of OPF Farm
Housing Scheme “OPF Greens” Raiwind Road, Lahore on “As is Where is” basis and invites sealed bids
from interested overseas Pakistanis under “Sealed Bid Auction Method”.
The OPF Housing Scheme Phase-I & Phase-I Extension, Raiwind Road, Lahore comprises of residential and
commercial plots, allotted to overseas Pakistanis. The development work of the scheme is completed.
The OPF Farm Housing Scheme “OPF Greens” Raiwind Road, Lahore comprises of farm house and
commercial plots, allotted to overseas Pakistanis. The development work of the scheme is in process.
The plots, are being offered on “AS IS WHERE IS” basis for allotment on standard terms and conditions
applicable at the time of invitation or amended time to time, subject to OPF Bye-laws and other SOPs duly
approved by the OPF and LDA Bye-Laws.
1. Plots Description:
Detail of plots presented for auction along with the reserved value are as under:
1. Bidders must submit sealed bids under Single-Stage-One-Envelope procedure, which should reach the
Director General, Housing & Works by 11:00 am on 23rd June, 2023. Bid(s) received afterwards shall
NOT be entertained.
2. Bidders must submit filled “Application Form” enclosed as Annexure – A & B, along with provision of
all requisite information and documentation.
3. Bids must be submitted on the required form with no alterations/changes according to the
procedures described herein. Bids submitted in any other manner or which fail to furnish all
information can be rejected at discretion of the management.
4. Bids must be sealed and marked as “Sealed Bid for Residential Plot in OPF Housing Scheme PhaseI or Phase-I (Extension), Raiwind Road, Lahore or OPF Farm Housing Scheme “OPF Greens” Raiwind
Road, Lahore”. Clearly mentioning the plot number against which the bidis submitted.
5. Bids will be opened by the management at 1400 hrs on the same day i.e. 23rd June, 2023 in presence
of Bidders who wish to attend the bidding process.
6. The bidder shall submit bid and quote price [not less than reserve value] of the plot in PAK RUPEES
[lump sum] without fraction.
7. The bid against plot shall be considered as cancelled if quoted price will be less than the reserve value
of the said plot.
8. Bidders must deposit the full quoted bid price of plot [not less than reserve value] along with
processing fee of Rs. 15,000/-separately against plot in shape of Pay Order/Demand Draft in the name
of “Overseas Pakistanis Foundation” along with the bid documents.
9. Upon acceptance of a bid, the bid deposit of the successful bidder shall be adjusted against the plot.
10. Bids though email/fax shall not be accepted. Incomplete, late and bids without the Pay Order/Demand
Draft of quoted bid price and processing fee shall not be accepted and entertained.
11. Bid shall be filled out legibly with all erasures, strikeovers and corrections initialed by the person
signing the bid and must be manually signed. Any negligence on part of the bidder in preparing the
bid confers no right for withdrawal or modification of the bid.
12. OPF reserves the right to accept or reject any or all bids prior to acceptance of bids as per the PPRA
Rule No.33.
13. In case of any dispute, the decision of OPF’s management shall be final and not challengeable in any
court of law.
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a. The quoted bid price shall be final price of plot and however, upon possession, if any extra land
with plot is identified (incase), cost of said land shall be paid by successful bidder/allottee as per
the rate of quoted bid value per Marla or Kanal. Moreover, any other charges levied in future shall
be also paid by the successful bidder/allottee.
b. The successful bidder shall be required to make complete applicable taxes within 07 Working
Days on receipt of confirmation from OPF’s management. In case of non- payment of taxes within
10 working days, the bid offer shall stand automatically cancelled and the bid amount shall be
forfeited (in case successful bidder failed to submit genuine justification of the delay) .
c. The successful bidder of OPF Farm Housing Scheme “OPF Greens” Raiwind Road, Lahore shall be
required to make remaining 50% payment quoted price within one year on quarterly basis in
shape of PO/DD in the name of “Overseas Pakistanis Foundation” within schedule time on receipt
of confirmation from OPF’s management.
1. The invitation for sealed bid is open to overseas Pakistanis.
2. If any person intends to bid/offer on behalf of an overseas Pakistani, he/she shall berequired to submit
a special power of attorney or a sealed (embossed) resolution or authorization from the overseas
Pakistani authorizing him/her to submit bid/offer on his/her behalf.
3. All bidders shall be required to submit the requisite documentation as per the OPF policy and practice
at later stages.
4. Site / location of the plots shall not be changed on any ground whatsoever at any stage. Bidders are
invited, urged, and cautioned to inspect the plot prior for submission of the bid. The failure of any
bidder to inspect, or to be fully informed as to the location, ground positions, legal status and
surroundings of the plot offered, will not constitute grounds for any claim or demand for adjustment
or withdrawal of a bid after the bid opening. The bidder shall be bound to satisfy himself about the
plot as described under “Plot Description” and no claim at a subsequent stage shall be entertained
in this regard.
5. Plot dimensions are based on approximate size and no adjustment case shall be entertained in case
of any decrease in plot size.
6. In the event of withdrawal of bid by the bidder for whatever reason, the deposit amount shall NOT be
refunded and the same shall be forfeited.
7. In case two or more participants have placed an equal highest bid, an additional round of bidding
will be organized for them on same date or only within 03 working days (if mutually agreed). The
starting price of the additional roundwill shall be the highest bid of the first round.
8. Any decision of OPF’s management regarding auction, acceptance or rejection of the bid, and
forfeiture of bid money, shall be final and shall not be called into question by the bidder at any
forum/court of law.
9. The correspondence shall be at the address indicated by the bidder/attorney and it will be sole
responsibility of bidders to communicate any change in address to the OPF. If the successful bidder
does not receive any intimation from the OPF within 07 working days, he himself shall have to contact
to the OPF to inquire about the status of his bid.
10. All Government taxes, levies and charges in respect of the plot shall be solely borne by the Allottee
whenever the same becomes applicable or due.
11. The plot shall be used for r es i d e nt i a l p u r po s e o n ly .
12. OPF reserves the right to amend these terms and conditions, as shall be judiciously required from
time to time, compliance whereof shall be binding on the successful bidder/Allottee.
Director General (Housing & Works)
OPF Head Office, Shahrah-e-Jamhuriat Sector G-5/2, Islamabad.
Tel : 051-9210264 & 051-9048352 Fax: 051-9224336
E-Mail: [email protected]